By CJ Jorgensen for NVBEX
The Clark County Board of County Commissioners will consider three waivers of development standards and a design review for a warehouse facility on the NWC of Fort Apache and Oquendo roads at its Feb. 5 meeting.
The 108.8KSF warehouse facility will, if approved, be constructed on a 4.5-acre site. The project consists of three separate warehouse buildings. According to the application, PSI Oquendo, LLC is the property owner, and Parting Seas Investments, LLC is the applicant. Novus Architecture + Interiors prepared the floor and elevation plans.
The development site is zoned Commercial General. Immediately to the north of the site is an existing commercial complex zoned Corridor Mixed-Use. The south, east and west all contain existing single-family residential developments. The south is zoned Mid-Intensity Suburban Neighborhood. The East is zoned Corridor Mixed-use, and the west is zoned Compact Neighborhood.

Warehouse Details
Building One is to be located on the southeast portion of the property and take an L-shape. The building will be set back 15 feet from the east end of the property line along Fort Apache Road, and 15 feet from the southern property line along Oquendo Road.
Building Two is to be in the center of the property. Building Three is to be J-shaped and loop around the west, north and east of the property. The building will be set back 15 feet from the west, north and east property lines.
Buildings One and Three will be 31 feet tall. The two buildings will have flat roofs and parapets. Building Two will have a maximum height of 38 feet. Aesthetically, submitted documents describe the two buildings on the perimeter of the site as having “exterior materials consisting of painted concrete panels with three colors, painted stucco/EIFS, metal mesh, and shade structures, as well as a metal sloped roof with skylights. All interior-facing sides of the buildings will have painted roll-up doors accessing the storage units.”
Building One will be 22.4KSF and will have 12 mini-warehouse units. Each of the units will contain an optional mezzanine level. First-floor units will range from 1.1KSF to 2.4KSF. The mezzanine levels will be 450SF to 914SF.
Building Two will total 21.8KSF and will contain 13 mini-warehouse units. The units in this building will also have optional mezzanine levels. Twelve of the 13 units will total 1.4KSF between the ground floor and mezzanine. The final unit will not contain a mezzanine and will simply have a 637SF ground floor. This building will also have a sales/leasing office.
Building Three totals 64.6KSF and will have 33 mini-warehouse units. These units also contain optional mezzanine levels. Total unit sizes range from 1.6KSF to 3.3KSF. Every unit will have a roll-up overhead door, an exterior access door and an optional restroom. The three buildings will contain a back of house area and utility/electric room.
The site will contain two trash enclosures toward the center of the property. Each enclosure will have metal roofs with double gates surrounded by 6.5-foot-tall painted concrete walls.
Access to the site will be provided by a two-way main driveway with a median along Fort Apache Road. An exit-only driveway will also be installed on Oquendo Road. Two vehicular gates will be implemented on the access drive. Parking spaces will be located on the east side of the second building. Additional parking/loading spaces will be on the west of Building Two and south of Building Three.

Waivers of Development Standards
The waivers of development standards are to remove the required eight-foot decorative screen along the west property line, allow the largest structure to exist outside the center of the site and reduce the departure distance of the driveway on Oquendo Road to 136 feet. Uniform Standard Drawing 222.1 requires the departure distance to be 1,990 feet, which equates to a 28.4% reduction. A waiver was also requested to increase the width of the Fort Apache Road driveway to 59 feet. Typically, the driveway would be 48 feet, which results in a 24% increase.
The Spring Valley Town Advisory Board previously recommended approval of the warehouse project. Staff was supportive of both the waivers and the design review.
Currently, there are six-foot-high screen walls along the north and west property lines. Due to these existing walls and the proposed grading of the site being lower than surrounding residential properties, staff was supportive of removing the eight-foot wall requirement.
Staff also supported the second waiver request, allowing Building Three to be the largest. Building Three will be at a lower grade than the surrounding residences, so its impact will be reduced. Building Two is also taller than Building Three.
Staff found no objections to the third waiver of development standards, which would allow developers to reduce the departure distance for Oquendo Road and increase the width of the driveway along Fort Apache Road.