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Carson City Catholic School to Raise Money for New School

Credit: St. Teresa of Avila Catholic School

By BEX Staff for NVBEX

St. Teresa of Avila Catholic School has begun its United in Faith, Building Our Future capital campaign to raise funds for a new 50KSF catholic school near its church on Commerce Way near North Lompa Lane in Carson City.

The campaign’s goal is to raise the estimated $25M required to construct the new school. The project’s website states the funding is at more than $12.6M as of Jan. 17. The funding was broken down into $9M from anonymous lead gifts, an estimated $2.5M from the future sale of the current school and $1.1M raised by the campaign.

The new school will be more than 50KSF and contain flexible learning spaces and modern STEM labs. The school will also feature a higher level of technology integration, a cafetorium, library/resource center, fine arts facilities, athletics facilities and expanded security features.

The Diocese of Reno has a policy that 100% of funding must be pledged prior to the groundbreaking. Of that 100%, half must be “cash in hand.” The website indicates the school will serve a regional purpose, and students from Carson City, Dayton, Douglas County, Washoe Valley and South Reno will attend.

According to the school’s principal, Peggy Burger, the general contractor of the project is SB Builders, LLC, formerly known as Shaheen Beauchamp Builders LLC. The architect is Van Woert Bigotti Architects.

The new location will have easy access to Highway 50 and Interstate 580 to further serve students from the surrounding area. It ensures the school is within walking distance of the St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Community church on N. Lompa Lane.

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