The Department of the Interior announced it is considering a 20-year withdrawal of the Ruby Mountains in Elko County from future geothermal and oil/gas development.
The area, also known as Nevada’s Swiss Alps, is known to the Te-Moak Tribe of the Western Shoshone Indians of Nevada as its ancestral homeland. The area is used by many for hunting, fishing and other outdoor activities.
Within the area is the Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge, which includes a wetlands oasis for migratory waterfowl and fisheries.
The U.S. Forest Service submitted the withdrawal petition with the Secretary of the Interior. If the Department approves the petition, it will be published in the Federal Register. Once published, it will temporarily prevent geothermal and oil/gas development over an approximately 264,000-acre area.
The Federal Register notice will cause a 90-day public comment period. An environmental analysis will be prepared by the Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service. The analysis will determine whether the area should be withdrawn for a maximum of 20 years. The entire process will include consultations with the tribe, environmental advocates, industry professionals, state and local governments. (Source)