The Public Utilities Commission of Nevada approved NV Energy’s integrated resource plan, which calls for adding approximately 400 megawatts of methane gas units at the North Valmy Generating Station in Humboldt County.
The $573M project is proposed to be completed by summer 2028.
The Nevada Conservation League Education Fund has raised concerns regarding the plan as it believes the plan will raise costs for Nevadans, increase pollution and continue to promote fossil fuel dependence. The Humboldt methane plant will only run during peak times to limit the number of pollutants released.
IRP also Includes Solar and Battery Storage
The integrated resource plan also includes bringing three solar and battery storage Power Purchase Agreements online, which will total more than 1,000MW of solar energy and more than 1,000MW of battery storage. Senate Bill 358 requires utilities to achieve a 50% renewable energy portfolio by 2030, and the new renewable energy infrastructure will help the Silver State reach those goals.
The PPAs would call for an energy developer to build/maintain storage on land owned by the utilities company. The company would then purchase energy from the developer at a fixed rate.
IRP Required Every Three Years
NV Energy must submit a plan every three years, which will outline its strategy for meeting future energy needs. The IRP also includes information on where the energy company currently gets its resources from and who uses them.
Nevada receives most of its natural gas supply via interstate pipelines from Utah and other surrounding states. Nevada does not have a significant supply of natural gas reserves. Nevada uses approximately 33% of the natural gas that enters the state; 65% of the natural gas delivered to Nevada consumers is used by the electric power
A report by the Energy Information Administration indicated that renewable energy produced 39% of Nevada’s electricity. (Source)